Brand Name: NoEnName_Null
Hign-concerned Chemical: None
Installation Method: Assembly
Origin: US(Origin)
From the brand
position: relative;
.aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel-hero-container,
.aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel-hero-container > div {
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
Ensuring the carousel takes only the space it needs.
The sizes need to be set again on the absolutely positioned elements so they can take up space.
.aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel-container,
.aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel-hero-container {
height: 625px;
width: 100%;
max-width: 1464px;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
overflow: hidden;
.aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel-hero-container,
.aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel-hero-container > div {
height: 625px;
.aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel.a-carousel-container {
padding: 0px;
This centers the carousel vertically on top of the hero image container and after the logo area (125px).
Margin-top = (heroHeight – cardHeight – logoAreaHeight) / 2 + logoAreaHeight
.aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel .a-carousel-row-inner {
margin-top: 149px;
Cards need to have a width set, otherwise they default to 50px or so.
All cards must have the same width. The carousel will resize itself so all cards take the width of the largest card.
The left margin is for leaving a space between each card.
.aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel .a-carousel-card {
width: 362px;
margin-left: 30px !important;
/* styling the navigation buttons so they are taller, flush with the sides, and have a clean white background */
.aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel .a-carousel-col.a-carousel-left,
.aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel .a-carousel-col.a-carousel-right {
padding: 0px;
.aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel .a-carousel-col.a-carousel-left .a-button-image,
.aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel .a-carousel-col.a-carousel-right .a-button-image {
border: none;
margin: 0px;
.aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel .a-carousel-col.a-carousel-left .a-button-image .a-button-inner,
.aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel .a-carousel-col.a-carousel-right .a-button-image .a-button-inner {
background: #fff;
padding: 20px 6px;
.aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel .a-carousel-col.a-carousel-left .a-button-image .a-button-inner {
border-radius: 0px 4px 4px 0px;
.aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel .a-carousel-col.a-carousel-right .a-button-image .a-button-inner {
border-radius: 4px 0px 0px 4px;

Outvita is committed to making every product glow and giving everyone the best experience.
Each product has its own unique emotion, the birth of each product is our emotional pay. In the future, Outvita will accompany you to go on.
How did we get our start?
Outvita starts with the idea of offering comforts and utilities to our communities. Since 2016, offers a range of functional outdoor products that are really affordable for families around the world.
What makes our products unique?
Our products stand out because we always keep the beginning in mind. Whether it is the creation of goods or the distribution of logistics. We give priority to customers’ needs.
Why do we love what we do?
We love the outdoor life and want to share practical & fun products for everyone. We always keep in mind: to make people much happier here!
Patio Storage Boxes
Outdoor Storage Bench
Outdoor Storage Shed
Outdoor Wicker Storage Boxes
Product Description

A a perfect combination of patio bench and storage box. This storage bench with practical design bring much convenience to your daily life. The hardwood outside bench can be used in many scenes, such as backyard, patio, garden, balcony or any outdoor area in your home. We believe it will be the ideal furniture for you to enjoy outdoor leisure time with your family or friends.

Applicable to Various Scenarios

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